
Its been a while since I’ve jotted my thoughts, yet on my last trip overseas, I was flooded with emotion and felt the urge to write down what it was that I was feeling. My intention being to express these feelings with those people that I hold dear while paying homage to the breathtaking and inspiring places that these travels led me to...

 Building this brand has been the most incredible experience and has introduced me to people and places that I never thought I’d see. Without the burning drive to continually Step into the unknown, or “get lost” ...I wholeheartedly believe that I and this brand would never have been found.



From A young age I have always been inspired by adventure and traveling...for me, discovering one’s self and our individual role on this planet is the ultimate educational experience... an education that can’t be taught in schools, in online courses or audio books. It's an immersive experience , a hands on activity that can only be described through personal discovery as it unfolds differently for everyone. 

The places you go, people you meet and the persona you must adopt in order to adapt and truly immerse yourself into the different cultures, experiences and environments is what stretches you, its what transcends your normalities in life and births an aliveness that is so priceless.

These experiences, these are what I live for... they go beyond the repetition of the known, beyond the clockwork-like-routines experienced during your usual scheduled programming… It is this stretching that, while extremely challenging and humbling at times, is also truly eye opening and awakens an unequivocal and incomparable feeling of vitality.  ALIVENESS... It brings forth a mindset of curiosity and wonder, spontaneously picking up and laying down the next puzzle-piece of your  unique journey. 



I’ve come to notice that people everywhere ; in foreign places and born into different cultures inherently desire the same things as you or I. Their desires just manifest in different forms… We are all cut from the same cloth, we just have a different way of living… Its these universal values that bring connection.

Diving into these unknown territories, learning to do things in new ways and engaging with these similar yet such unique cultures really opens up our minds to new possibilities... Stepping into the unknown brings forth inspiration +  new ways of thinking... this is priceless .  As I said, you can’t get taught this in schools, through books or documentaries, it happens through experience...



When stepping into the unknown, I am in awe of "what’s next", this sparks a thirst to continue exploring, As really, the potential is limitless... Like the Pioneer, adventuring through un-chartered waters towards his destination, we must strive to be fully awake, fully in wonder, living in sheer excitement and enthusiasm of what is over the next wave.

Let us embrace the challenges, welcome the differences and cherish the similarities… Because being stuck in the wheel of our everyday lives/routines, i.e.  living life on auto-pilot, our minds just don’t have to think outside the box...This can cause some serious stagnation, and where we see a lot of society unfortunately, i.e people only doing things for money, and arriving at a false sense of accomplishment and security for a split second, that drug like "short term high", then the chase for the next desire which promises fulfillment begins...sad to see, most of us living out of need, false ideals and survival, not passion and Love. Where our true gifts reside.

When we are seldom challenged, all too comfortable, and "repeating the known" for too long, We find ourselves desiring different results but doing the same things over and over...we get so conditioned...As Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
 We’re not insane, we’re just yearning for the inspiration and courage to truly break free, take action and to really feel alive again. Its time to wake up and take back your life and it’s wonder...it’s time to take that journey, whatever that is for you.

To help you on your Maverick way, use the code "getfound" to save fifteen percent on any piece to accompany you on your adventure...